
About Us

UrCurriculum - Let no one be left behind

We at UrCurriculum envision a system of education that recognizes the importance of the subjective treatment of young learners. We understand that not every student stands on level ground and hence, the onus is on those who provide education to keep the differences in mind and cater to the individual needs of the learners. This is why we believe in providing customized education and we design our tutorials in a way that maximizes the learning output of each of our students. Improvising on traditional tuitions, our team makes the best use of online resources and contemporary teaching techniques.

UrCurriculum also believes that in order to learn and grow, interaction with peers, not just within a school but across the country, is imminent. This is why our most exciting programme is the Student Discussion Forum where we bring together students from across schools to ideate and discuss so that they complement each other's growth. In the end, what we have is an independent community of learners who are ready to enter the dynamic world.

Our Founders


Divasjyoti Parashar

BSc Physics (Hons)


Anand Waghmare

BSc Physics (Hons)

DipASR in Advanced Physics