Want more time for self study?

Tuitions taking too much time?

Class going too fast or too slow ?

Join us now!!

Want to study at your own pace?

UrCurriculum recognizes the fact that online classrooms often fall short when compared to live schooling. Schools teach students with the basic assumption that all students stand on a level-ground, which is certainly not true. We believe that it is the responsibility of those providing education to understand that different students have different needs which must be catered to accordingly. Our team at UrCurriculum shall serve to bridge the gap between the two and stay true to our belief that although classrooms can halt, education must go on.


Our tutors make best use of modern technology to provide the best learning experience to our curious young learners in customized 1-on-1 sessions. Our tutorials, designed to aid school students (grade 6 to 10 and Humanities (grades 11 and 12) students) with their learning, range across various subjects including sciences, commerce and humanities.


Above all, our online tutorials shall be tailor-made to suit your specific needs and shall be taught 1-on-1. Once you get in touch with us, our team shall contact you and design the tutorials to specifically strengthen your weak areas. So what are you waiting for?


Click on the link below to register interest in our customized online tutorials. If you would like to contact us before registering, click here.