At UrCurriculum, we recognize the importance of providing holistic development to our learners and enhancing their skillset. In a fast-changing world of complex problems, any citizen would be expected to think out of the box and make use of their skills to handle any situation. Remaining confined within traditional textbook content does not do much to inculcate a habit of thinking out-of-the-box and neither does it provide skill-based training. In an effort to change this scenario, UrCurriculum regularly comes up with interesting and engaging webinars and workshops to provide insights on topics that students do not usually confront. We believe such webinars will motivate students to engage with interesting and useful content available beyond their school textbooks. Our workshops are designed to provide an introduction to some important skills that are necessary for 21st-century jobs which include coding, the art of writing, GIS and Remote Sensing, etc.


If you or your acquaintances are interested in our Beyond The Textbook series, subscribe now for latest updates and to get links to sign up for our sessions. We shall reach out to you at the earliest. Follow our Instagram handle (link provided below) for quick updates. If you would like to contact us before registering, click here.